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发布时间:2022-06-09 15:33:00    阅读量:

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石磊,教授,卫生毒理学研究所,博士,硕士研究生导师(业型),2021年5月以海外人才引进方式入职4556银河国际app公共卫生学院。现任科学技术发展研究院 副院长(挂职)。


2003.9—2007.06  河北北方学院,动物科技学院,学士

2007.9—2010.06  华中农业大学,农业微生物学国家重点实验室,硕士

2011.01—2014.11 德国慕尼黑大学,病理学研究所,博士(Dr.rer.nat)


2015.01—2021.01  Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute,博士后

2021.05—至今  4556银河国际app公共卫生学院,教授

2022.01—至今  科学技术发展研究院 副院长(挂职)。










3. 中央高校科研启动经费,主持


1.Lei Shi, Peter Magee, Matteo Fassan, Sudhakar Sahoo, Hui Sun Leong, Dave Lee, Robert Sellers, Laura Brulle-Sumare, Stefano Cairo, Tiziana Monteverde, Stefano Volinia, Duncan Smith, Gianpiero Di Leva, Francesca Galuppini, Athanasios Paliouras, Kang Zeng, Raymond O'Keefe, and Michela Garofalo. A KRAS-responsive long non-coding RNA KIMAT1 controls microRNA processing. Nature Communications. (2021) 12:2038.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-22337. (IF,12.12, JCR Q1).

2. Lucy Ginn, Manuela La Montagna, Qinghua Wu, Lei Shi#. Discovery the functions of long non-coding RNA in viral diseases. Reviews in Medical Virology. November 27 2020.DOI:10.1002/RMV.2198 (通讯作者, IF 4.221, JCR Q2).

3. Athanasios R. Paliouras*, Marta Buzzetti* Lei Shi*, Ian J. Donaldson, Peter Magee, Sudhakar Sahoo, Hui-Sun Leong, Matteo Fassan, Matthew Carter, Gianpiero Di Leva, Matthew Krebs, Fiona Blackhall, Christine M. Lovly and Michela Garofalo. Vulnerability of drug-resistance EML4-ALK rearranged lung cancer to transcriptional inhibition. EMBO Molecular Medicine. 2020 Jun 17; e110099. Doi: 10.15252/emmm.201911099 (并列第一作者,IF 10.293, JCR Q1).

4. Lei Shi, Justin Middleton, Young-Jun Jeon, Peter Magee, Dario Veneziano, Alessandro Lagana, Hui-Sun Leong, Sudhakar Sahoo, Matteo Fassan, Richard Booton, Rajesh Shan, Philip A.J. Crosbie and Michela Garofalo. KRAS induces lung tumorigenesis through microRNAs modulation. Cell Death & Disease. 2018 Feb 13; 9(2):219 (IF 6.3, JCR Q1).

5. Lei Shi, Rene Jackstadt, Helge Siemens, Huihui Li, Thomas Kirchner, Heiko Hermeking. p53-induced miR-15a/16-1 and AP4 form a double-negative feedback loop to regulate epithelial-mesenchymal transition and metastasis in colorectal cancer. Cancer Research. 2014 Jan 15; 74(2): 532-42 (IF 9.7, JCR Q1).

6. Srivatsava Naidu*, Lei Shi*, Peter Magee, Justin D. Middleton, Alessandro Lagana, Sudhakar Sahoo, HuiSun Leong, Melanie Galvin, Kristopher Frese, Caroline Dive, Vincenza Guzzardo, Metteo Fassan, Michela Garofalo, PDGFR-modulated miR-23b cluster and miR-125a-5p suppress lung tumorigenesis by targeting multiple components of KRAS and NF-kB pathways.Scientific Reports. 2017 Nov 13;7 (1):15441.

7. Peter Magee*, Lei Shi*, Michela Garofalo, Role of microRNAs in chemoresistance. Annals of Translational Medicine, 2015; 3(21): 332.

8. Lucy Ginn, Lei Shi, Manuela La Montagna and Michela Garofalo. LncRNAs in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer. Non-coding RNA 2020, 6, 25; doi:10.3390/ncrna6030025.

9. Srivatsava Naidu, Lei Shi, Michela Garofalo. MicroRNAs in lung tumorigenesis and chemoresistance, American Association Cancer Research Education Book, 2015: 71-74. doi: 10.1158/AACR.EDB-15-7984.

10.英国专利:lncRNA ASOs for KRAS Amplified Tumors, 实验完成人,排名第二。


Non-coding RNA Journal Reviewers Board(编委)

审稿人:Cancers(IF=6.3)、Journal of Immunology Research、Cancer Gene Therapy、Oncology Letters、Journal of Cancer和Biomolecules


E-mail  leishi@lzu.edu.cn