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2009.09—2015.07  北京大学生命科学学院细胞生物学专业,博士














1.Qin L*, Wang L*, Zhang J*, Zhou H*, Yang Z, Wang Y, Cai W, Wen F, Jiang X, Zhang T, Ye H, Long B, Qin J, Shi W, Guan X, Yu Z, Yang J#, Wang Q#, Jiao Z#. Therapeutic strategies targeting uPAR potentiate anti-PD-1 efficacy in diffuse type gastric cancer. Science Advances. 2022 May (In press). (#共同通讯作者,影响因子=14.14)

2.Yang J*, Zhou X*, Zhang R, Sun H, You F, Jiang Z#. Differences in IFNb secretion upon Rab1 inactivation in cells exposed to distinct innate immune stimuli. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2021 Jun;18(6):1590-1592. (*共同第一作者,影响因子=11.53)

3.Yang J*, Schleicher TR*, Dong Y, Park HB, Lan J, Cresswell P, Crawford J, Dimopoulos G#, Fikrig E#. Disruption of mosGILT in Anopheles gambiae impairs ovarian development and Plasmodium infection. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2020 Jan 6;217(1): e20190682. (*共同第一作者,影响因子=14.31)

4.Schleicher TR*, Yang J*, Freudzon M, Rembisz A, Craft S, Hamilton M, Graham M, Mlambo G, Tripathi AK, Li Y, Cresswell P, Sinnis P, Dimopoulos G, Fikrig E#. A mosquito salivary gland protein partially inhibits Plasmodium sporozoite cell traversal and transmission. Nature Communications. 2018 Jul 25;9(1):2908. (*共同第一作者,影响因子=11.88)

5.Wang C*, Guan Y*, Lv M, Zhang R, Guo Z, Wei X, Du X, Yang J, Li T, Wan Y, Su X, Huang X, Jiang Z#. Manganese increases the sensitivity of the cGAS-STING pathway for double-stranded DNA and is required for the host defense against DNA viruses. Immunity. 2018 Apr 17;48(4):675-687.

6.Dragovic SM*#, Agunbiade TA*, Freudzon M, Yang J, Hastings AK, Schleicher TR, Zhou X, Craft S, Chuang YM, Gonzalez F, Li Y, Hrebikova G, Tripathi A, Mlambo G, Almeras L, Ploss A, Dimopoulos G, Fikrig E#. Immunization with AgTRIO, a protein in Anopheles saliva, contributes to protection against Plasmodium infection in mice. Cell Host & Microbe. 2018 Apr 11;23(4):523-535.

7. Tao J*, Zhang XW*, Jin J*, Du XX, Lian T, Yang J, Zhou X, Jiang Z#, Su XD#. Nonspecific DNA binding of cGAS N terminus promotes cGAS activation. Journal of Immunology. 2017 May 1;198(9):3627-3636.  

8. Chen H*, Sun H*, You F*, Sun W, Zhou X, Chen L, Yang J, Wang Y, Tang H, Guan Y, Xia W, Gu J, Ishikawa H, Gutman D, Barber G, Qin Z, Jiang Z#. Activation of STAT6 by STING is critical for antiviral innate immunity. Cell. 2011 Oct 14;147(2):436-446.


20189月在国际分子寄生虫会议上作特邀口头报告:Jing Yang. A mosquito salivary gland protein partially inhibits Plasmodium sporozoite cell traversal and transmission, 2018 Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, MA, USA. 2018-9-92018-9-13.

