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牛红霞,女,中共党员, 4556银河国际app基础医学院副教授,病原生物学专业硕士生导师。兼任中国微生物学会人兽共患病病原学专业委员会委员、甘肃省免疫学会青委会委员。本人于2015年06月获4556银河国际app与约翰霍普金斯大学联合培养博士学位,同年7月留校就职于4556银河国际app病原生物学研究所。作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金青年基金1项(81701969)及多项校级课题,作为项目骨干成员连续参与国家“十一五”、“十二五”、“十三五”科技重大专项、国家自然科学基金面上项目等。在国际刊物发表20余篇SCI或Pubmed/Medline收录论文(其中第一作者8篇),并获得国家授权发明专利3项。



1. 结核病亚单位疫苗及其免疫保护机制研究

2. 细菌的持留机制研究


1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(81701969),SurA影响大肠埃希菌持留菌形成及存活的分子机制,2018-2020,主持

3. 4556银河国际app自由探索面上项目(lzujbky-2015-280),大肠埃希菌调控surA基因表达的机制研究,2018-2019,主持

4. 4556银河国际app自由探索面上项目(lzujbky-2015-280),大肠埃希菌持留机制的初步研究,2015-2016,主持

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31470895),结核亚单位疫苗诱导的记忆性T细胞亚型特征,2015-2018,参与

6. 甘肃省循证医学与临床转化重点实验室开放基金重点项目(20150105),结核分枝杆菌持留期新型抗原的筛选与评价,2015-2015,主持

7. 国家“十二五”艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治科技重大专项(2012ZX10003008-006),结核病创新型疫苗的研制—-结核病免疫加强用亚单位疫苗临床前研究,2012-2015,参与

8. 国家“十一五”艾滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大传染病防治科技重大专项(2008ZX-10003-013(5)),结核病疫苗研究,2008 -2010,参与


[1] Hongxia Niu#, Rebecca Yee, Peng Cui, Lili Tian, Shuo Zhang, Wanliang Shi,  David Sullivan, Wenhong Zhang, Bingdong Zhu, Ying Zhang *, Identification of Agents Active against Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus USA300 from a Clinical Compound Library. Pathogen6(3),44 (2017).

[2] Hongxia Niu#, Chao ma, peng cui, Waniang Shi, Shuo Zhang, Jie feng, David Sullivan, Bingdong Zhu, Whenhong Zhang and Ying Zhang*,  Identification of drug candidates that enhance pyrazinamide activity from a clinical compound library. Emerging Microbles & Infections 6, e27(2017).

[3] Hongxia Niu#, Peng Cui, Rebecca Yee, Wanliang Shi, Shuo Zhang, Jie Feng, David Sullivan, Wenhong Zhang, Bingdong Zhu, Ying Zhang *, A Clinical Drug Library Screen Identifies Tosufloxacin as Being Highly Active against Staphylococcus aureus Persisters, Antibiotics, 2015, 4:329-336

[4] Hongxia Niu#, Jinxiu Peng, Chunxiang Bai, Xun Liu, Lina Hu, Yanping Luo, Bingxiang Wang, Ying Zhang, Jianzhu Chen, Hongjuan Yu, Qiaoyang Xian, Bingdong Zhu *, Multi-Stage Tuberculosis Subunit Vaccine Candidate LT69 Provides High Protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Mice, PLos One, 2015,10(6)

[5] Hongxia Niu#, Peng Cui#, Wanliang Shi, Shuo Zhang, Jie Feng, Yong Wang, David Sullivan, Wenhong Zhang, Bingdong Zhu, Ying Zhang*, Identification of Anti-Persister Activity against Uropathogenic Escherichia coli from a Clinical Drug Library, Antibiotics, 2015, 4:179-187

[6] Qi Xin#, Hongxia Niu#, Zhi Li#, Guoping Zhang, Lina Hu, Bingxiang Wang, Jingjing Li, Hongjuan Yu, Wanbo Liu, Yue Wang, Zejiao Da, Ruiyin Li, Qiaoyang Xian, Yong Wang, Ying Zhang, Tao Jing, Xingming Ma, Bingdong Zhu *, Subunit Vaccine Consisting of Multi-Stage Antigens Has High Protective Efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Mice, PLos One, 2013, 8(8)

[7] Hongxia Niu#, Lina Hu, Qing Li, Zejiao Da, Bingxiang Wang, Kefeng Tang, Qi Xin, Hongjuan Yu, Ying Zhang, Yong Wang, Xingming Ma, Bingdong Zhu *, Construction and evaluation of amultistage Mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine candidate Mtb10.4-HspX, Vaccine, 2011, 29:9451-9458

[8] 祝秉东,牛红霞,彭金秀,白春香,胡丽娜,刘勋,王秉翔,雒艳萍,于红娟,王鸿,亢鸿飞,李菲,结核分枝杆菌融合蛋白EAMMH、其构建、表达和纯化方法及其应用,2017.06.16中国,ZL201410187154.6(授权专利)

[9] 祝秉东,牛红霞,胡丽娜,李青,王秉翔,达泽蛟,万艳,马维民,结核分枝杆菌融合蛋白Mtb10.4-Hsp16.3的构建、表达和纯化方法及其应用,2012.11.28,中国,ZL201010613320.6(授权专利)

[10] Li F, Liu X, Niu H, Lv W, Han X, Zhang Y, Zhu B,Persistent stimulation with Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigen impairs the proliferation and transcriptional program of hematopoietic cells in bone marrow,Mol Immunol, 2019 May 10;112:115-122

[11] Shi W, Cui P, Niu Hongxia, Zhang S, T?njum T, Zhu B, Zhang Y,Introducing RpsA Point Mutations Δ438A and D123A into the Chromosome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Confirms Their Role in Causing Resistance to Pyrazinamide.,Antimicrob Agents Chemother,2019 May 24;63(6). pii: e02681-18.

[12] Bai C, He J, Niu Hongxia, Hu L, Luo Y, Liu X, Peng L, Zhu B,Prolonged intervals during Mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine boosting contributes to eliciting immunity mediated by central memory-like T cells,Tuberculosis (Edinb). 2018 May;110:104-111.

[13] Cui P, Niu Hongxia, Shi W, Zhang S, Zhang W, Zhang Y,Identification of Genes Involved in Bacteriostatic Antibiotic-Induced Persister Formation,Front Microbiol. 2018 Mar 6;9:413.

[14] Liu W, Li J, Niu Hongxia, Lin X, Li R, Wang Y, Xin Q, Yu H, Wu Y, Zhu B, Tan J,Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of multistage vaccine candidates (Mtb8.4-HspX and HspX-Mtb8.4) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice,Int Immunopharmacol. 2017 Dec;53:83-89.

[15] Hao C, Tian J, Liu H, Li F, Niu Hongxia, Zhu B,Efficacy and safety of anti-PD-1 and anti-PD-1 combined with anti-CTLA-4 immunotherapy to advanced melanoma: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials,Medicine (Baltimore). 2017 Jun;96(26):e7325.

[16] Chen H, Liu X, Ma X, Wang Q, Yang G, Niu Hongxia, Li S, He B, He S, Dannenberg AM Jr, Zhu B, Zhang Y,A New Rabbit-Skin Model to Evaluate Protective Efficacy of Tuberculosis Vaccines,Front Microbiol. 2017 May 17;8:842.

[17] Cui P, Niu Hongxia, Shi W, Zhang S, Zhang H, Margolick J, Zhang W, Zhang Y,Disruption of Membrane by Colistin Kills Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Persisters and Enhances Killing of Other Antibiotics,Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 Oct 21;60(11):6867-6871.

[18] Liu X, Peng J, Hu L, Luo Y, Niu Hongxia, Bai C, Wang Q, Li F, Yu H, Wang B, Chen H, Guo M, Zhu B,A multistage mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine LT70 including latency antigen Rv2626c induces long-term protection against tuberculosis,Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2016 Jul 2;12(7):1670-7.

[19]  Liu X, Da Z, Wang Y, Niu Hongxia,Li R, Yu H, He S, Guo M, Wang Y, Luo Y, Ma X, Zhu B,A novel liposome adjuvant DPC mediates Mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine well to induce cellmediated immunity and high protective efficacy in mice,Vaccine. 2016 Mar 8;34(11):1370-8.

[20] Zhang S, Chen J, Cui P, Shi W, Shi X, Niu Hongxia, Chan D, Yew WW, Zhang W, Zhang Y,Mycobacterium tuberculosis Mutations Associated with Reduced Susceptibility to Linezolid,Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2016 Mar 25;60(4):2542-4.

[21] Luo Y, Ma X, Liu X, Lu X, Niu Hongxia, Yu H, Bai C, Peng J, Xian Q, Wang Y, Zhu B,IL-28B down-regulates regulatory T cells but does not improve the protective immunity following tuberculosis subunit vaccine immunization,Int I