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1994.09-1999.06 兰州医学院临床医学学士

2004.09-2007.06 4556银河国际app外科学硕士

2012.09-2015.06 4556银河国际app外科学 博士


1999.07-2005.06 4556银河国际app附属第二医院住院医师

2005.06-2012.11 4556银河国际app附属第二医院主治医师

2012.11-2014.08 4556银河国际app附属第二医院副主任医师

2014.08-2019.01 甘肃省人民医院副主任医师

2019.01至今      甘肃省人民医院主任医师


4556银河国际app 《外科学-胸外科疾病部分》

甘肃中医药大学研究生院  《达芬奇机器人的临床应用》



1. 胸部疾病微创手术的研究

2. 胸外科肿瘤的基础研究


1. 甘肃省科技厅,基于人工智能探讨肺癌早筛及精细治疗的研究与应用,2022年12月至2024年12月,在研,主持

2. 甘肃省科技厅,甘肃省胸部疾病临床医学研究中心,2021年12月至2024年11月,在研,主持

3. 甘肃省科技厅,CircHIPK3在食管鳞癌中的表达及其发生发展的相关性试验研究,2021年2月至2023年1月,已结题,主持

4. 兰州市科技局,TCEAL3通过NF-kB通路对食管鳞癌细胞恶性行为的影响及分子机制研究,2021年11月至2023年11月,已结题,主持


1. Yun-Jiu Gou ,Ding-Xiong Xie , Ke-Hu Yang ,Ya-Li Liu ,Jian-Hua Zhang , Bin Li , Xiao-Dong He , Alcohol Consumption and Breast Cancer Survival: A Metaanalysis of Cohort Studies, Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention Apjcp, 2013.8.1,14(8): 4785~4790

2. Yunjiu Gou , Dacheng Jin , Shengliang He , Songchen Han , Qizhou Bai  ,RNF168 is highly expressed in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma and contributes to the malignant behaviors in association with the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway , Aging (Albany NY) 2021.1.25, 13(4):5403-5414

3. Yunjiu GouLingjuan Zhang, Qimei Yang, Rongfang Zhang, Huiling Guo, Lei Jiang, Kehu Yang, Jinhui Tian,A meta analysis of gemcitabine plus platinum chemotherapy compared with single-agent chemotherapy in the treatment of non-small cell lung cancerZhongguo Fei Ai Za Zhi 2010 .3.20,13(3): 216223

4. Songchen Han ,Dacheng Jin, Jilong Ma, Meng Chen, Yunjiu Gou, Xinchun Dong, Effects of Icaritin on the physiological activities of esophageal cancer stem cells , Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2018. 10, 504(4): 792~796

5. Jin Dacheng, Yao Liang,Yu Jun,Liu Rong,Guo Tiankang, Yang Kehu, Gou Yunjiu , Robotic-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy versus the conventional minimally invasive one: A meta-analysis and systematic review , Int J Med Robot, 2019.2.9, Int J Med Robot 2019: 0~e1988

6. Bai Qizhou, Yu Jun, Li Yongshun, Ma Jilong, Gou Yunjiu , MicroRNA-182 promoted esophageal squamous cell carcinoma cell growth and metastasis via targeting YWHAG , Journal of Buon, 2018, 23(5): 1439~1447

7. Ziqiang Hong , Yingjie Lu , Yannan Sheng , Baiqiang Cui , Xiangdou Bai , Tao Cheng, Xusheng Wu , Dacheng Jin, Yunjiu Gou,Comparison of three-dimensional reconstruction and CT-guided Hook-wire segmental resection for pulmonary nodules: a propensity score matching study, World J Surg Oncol 2023.5.27;21(1):161

8. Ziqiang Hong, Xiangdou Bai , Yannan Sheng , Baiqiang Cui , Tao Cheng , Yingjie Lu , Xusheng Wu, Dacheng Jin , Yunjiu Gou ,Efficacy of Using Maryland Forceps Versus Electrocoagulation Hooks in RATS Lung Cancer Surgery: A Propensity Score-Matched Study,Ann Surg Oncol, 2023 9;30(9):5923-5929

9. Ziqiang Hong , Qing Liu , Hongchao Li , Baiqiang Cui , Tao Cheng , Yingjie Lu , Xusheng Wu, Dacheng Jin , Yunjiu Gou, Xinchun Dong,Effect of da Vinci robot versus thoracoscopic surgery on lung function and oxidative stress levels in NSCLC patients: a propensity score-matched study ,Surg Endosc 2024 2;38(2):706-712

10. ZiqiangHong , BaiqiangCui, KaiWang, XiangdouBai, NingYang , YuZhang , XushengWu , TaoCheng , DachengJin , Jing Zhao , Yunjiu Gou,Comparison of Clinical Efficacy Between Da Vinci Robot-Assisted Ivor Lewis Esophagectomy and McKeown Esophagectomy for Middle and Lower Thoracic Esophageal Cancer: A Multicenter Propensity Score-Matched Study,Ann Surg Oncol,2023 12;30(13):8271-8277


担任海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会胸外科专业委员会青年委员学组常委、中国医师协会医用机器人医师分会常委、中国医师协会胸外科分会青年委员、中国医师协会胸外科分会快速康复委员会委员、甘肃省老年医学会胸外科委员会秘书长。担任《The International journal of Medical robotics and computer Assisted surgery》审稿人、《机器人外科学杂志》编委、《中国胸心血管外科临床杂志》审稿人、《中国组织工程研究》审稿人。


1. 2019年获甘肃省医学科技一等奖

2. 2022年获甘肃省科技进步二等奖


