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2010.09—2014.07  4556银河国际app数学与统计学院概率论与数理统计,博士

2011.01—2011.02  日本九州大学数理学院,访问学习

2013.01—2014.01  美国明尼苏达大学统计系,联合培养博士

2007.09—2010.07  4556银河国际app数学与统计学院应用数学,硕士

2005.09—2007.07  曲阜师范大学数学科学学院数学与应用数学,本科

2002.09—2005.07  菏泽学院数学系数学教育,专科


2019.12— 至今   4556银河国际app公共卫生学院,副教授

2014.09— 2019.11  4556银河国际app公共卫生学院,讲师







[6] 教育部,春晖计划项目,智能混合预测理论在城市大气污染预警中的应用研究,2019/05-2021/05,已结题,主持;

[5] 国家统计局,统计规划重点项目,2018LZ30,基于数据驱动的Optimal-Combination预测研究,2019/01-2020/12,已结题,主持;

[4] 4556银河国际app,中央高校一般项目,lzujbky-2018-65,华北地区大气污染的统计特征分析和预警研究,2018/01-2019/12,已结题,主持;

[3] 横向课题,甘肃省近60年麻风病防治及可持续发展策略研究,2015/06-2015/07,已结题,主持;

[2] 4556银河国际app,中央高校青年项目,模型平均研究及其应用,lzujbky-2015-186,2015/01 -2016/06,已结题,主持;

[1] 国家社科规划办,青年项目,12CTJ012,组合预测单项模型选择方法研究,2012/01 -2014/12,已结题,主持。


[17] Suling Zhu, Xinlu Wang, Dongshuai Mei, Lin Wei, Mingming Lu. CEEMD-MR-hybrid model based on sample entropy and random forest for SO2 prediction. Atmospheric Pollution Research. Vol.13, Issue 3, March 2022, 101358.

[16] Yuanuan Wang, Xiao Wang, Lin Wei, Jinxia Su, Suling Zhu. DPC-based combined model for PM2.5 forecasting: four cities in China. Soft Computing. Vol.25, 2021, 9199–9208.

[15] Suling Zhu, Jianan Sun, Yafei Liu, Mingming Lu,Xingrong Liu. The air quality index trend forecasting based on improved error correction model and data preprocessing for 17 port cities in China. Chemosphere. Vol.252, August 2020, 126474.

[14] Suling Zhu, Xiao Wang, Naiyu Shi, Mingming Lu. CEEMD-subset-OASVR-GRNN for ozone forecasting: Xiamen and Harbin as cases. Atmospheric Pollution Research. Vol.11, Issue 4, April 2020, 744-754.

[13] Suling Zhu, Xuanlin Qiu, Yanru Yin, Min Fang, Xingrong Liu, Xuejing Zhao, Yanjun Shi. Two-step-hybrid model based on data preprocessing and intelligent optimization algorithms (CS and GWO) for NO2 and SO2 forecasting. Atmospheric Pollution Research. Vol.10, Issue 4, July 2019, 1326-1335.

[12] Suling Zhu, Xiuyuan Lian, Lin Wei, Jinxing Che, Xiping Shen, Ling Yang, Xuanlin Qiu, Xiaoning Liu, Wenlong Gao, Xiaowei Ren, Juansheng Li. PM2.5 forecasting using SVR with PSOGSA algorithm based on CEEMD, GRNN and GCA considering meteorological factors. Atmospheric Environment. Vol.183, June 2018, 20-32.

[11] Suling Zhu, Ling Yang, Weini Wang, Xingrong Liu, Mingming Lu, Xiping Shen. Optimal-combined model for air quality index forecasting: 5 cities in North China. Environmental Pollution. Vol.243, Part B, December 2018, 842-850.

[10] Suling Zhu, Xiuyuan Lian, Haixia Liu, Jianming Hu, Yuanyuan Wang, Jinxing Che. Daily air quality index forecasting with hybrid models: A case in China. Environmental Pollution. Vol.231, Part 2, December 2017, 1232-1244.

[9] JinXing Che, YouLong Yang, Li Li, YanYing Li, SuLing Zhu. A modified support vector regression: Integrated selection of training subset and model. Applied Soft Computing. Vol.53, April 2017, 308-322.

[8] 高文龙, 林和, 刘小宁, 任晓卫, 李娟生, 申希平, 朱素玲. 贝叶斯log-binomial回归方法评估患病率比的研究. 中华流行病学杂志. 38(03), 2017, 400-405.

[7] YouLong Yang, JinXing Che, YanYing Li, YanJun Zhao, SuLing Zhu. An incremental electric load forecasting model based on support vector regression. Energy. Vol.113, October 2016, 796-808.

[6] 朱素玲, 李文婷, 刘秀英. 变量选择偏离对预测的影响. 统计与决策. 12, 2016, 31-33.

[5] Jujie Wang, Jianzhou Wang, Yaning Li, Suling Zhu, Jing Zhao. Techniques of applying wavelet de-noising into a combined model for short-term load forecasting. International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. Vol.62, November 2014, 816-824.

[4] 朱素玲. 自适应AFTER组合预测方法研究. 统计与决策. 20, 2014, 4-7.

[3] Suling Zhu, Jianzhou Wang, Weigang Zhao, Jujie Wang. A seasonal hybrid procedure for electricity demand forecasting in China. Applied Energy. Vol.88, Issue 11, November 2011, 3807-3815.

[2] Jianzhou Wang, Suling Zhu, Weigang Zhao, Wenjin Zhu. Optimal parameters estimation and input subset for grey model based on chaotic particle swarm optimization algorithm. Expert Systems with Applications. Vol.38, Issue 7, July 2011, 8151-8158.

[1] Jianzhou Wang, Suling Zhu, Wenyu Zhang, Haiyan Lu. Combined modeling for electric load forecasting with adaptive particle swarm optimization. Energy. Vol.35, Issue 4, April 2010, 1671-1678.



[1] 郭秀花、薛付忠主编,《医学统计学(英文版)》,郑州大学出版社,参编,2020年12月。


