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姓名:钟月欢 (Loretta Yuet- Foon CHUNG)


地址:37 Margate Crescent, Glen Waverley, VIC 3150, Australia


1999年                   澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University, Australia)护理哲学博士

1993年                   澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University, Australia)教育硕士

1990年                   澳大利亚查尔斯德特大学(Charles Sturt University, Australia)健康科学学士

1989年                    香港理工学院(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)护理教育高级文凭


1993年                    澳大利亚迪肯大学(Deakin University, Australia)教育硕士


2018年                     GA level 3 Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) (i-to-i) 英语为外语教学证书


1993年                     澳大利维多利亚护士局:注册护士

1989年                     香港护士管理局:注册护士教师 

1980年                     英国英格兰及华尔斯护士局:注册儿科护士

1979年                     香港助产士管理局:注册助产士

1978年                     英国胸科及结核协会:胸科护士

1976年                     香港护士管理局:注册护士


2019年至今              4556银河国际app护理学院教授

2017年至2019年       4556银河国际app护理学院兼职外教

2012年至今               大学外语学院全职外教

2011年至2012年       甘肃省人民医院外聘专家

2010年至2011年       西北民族大学医学院护理部外教

2001年至2007年       香港理工大学(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)护理学院助理教授

2001年                      香港理工大学(Hong Kong Polytechnic University)护理学院讲师

1997年至2001年       澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University, Australia) 护理学院统筹两个校区护理研究工作学术研究员(Research Fellow)

1993年至1997年       澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University, Australia)护理学院导师

1993年至1995年       澳大利亚莫纳什大学(Monash University, Australia)研究员 

1994年至1997年       澳大利亚医院重症监护室注册护士(兼职)

1991年至1993年       香港理工学院(香港理工大学前身)讲师

1989年至1991年        香港葛量洪医院护士学校教师

1980年至1987年        香港葛量洪医院胸肺科、心脏儿科和重症监护病房护长

1979年至1980年        英国伦敦儿科医院(Hospital for Sick ChildrenLondon)注册护士

1978年至1979年        香港明爱医院助产士学生

1976年至1978年        香港葛量洪医院胸内、胸外科和重症监护病房护士

研究方向- 护理管理领域

研究兴趣- 延续护理,重症监护室护理,儿科护理,跨文化、心理护理



  1. 旨在为成人烧伤康复患者提供由护士主导的过渡性康复方案的探索性研究

  2. 评估由甘肃省人民医院护士主导的成人烧伤患者延续性康复方案(4Cs-TBuRP)效果:一项随机对照试验

  3. 基于跨文化护理理论的ICU出院患者延续护理管理模式及效果评价研究


症狀频率和其特征對醫療複雜性兒童的保健服务的使用, 及對其和其父母的生活質量的影響


  1. Han L, Wong FKY, She DL, Li SY, Yang YF, Meng YJ, Ruan Y, Su Q, Ma YX, and Chung LYF. (2020). Anxiety and Depression of Nurses in a North West Province in China During the Period of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Outbreak.”  Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 52:5, 564-573.

  2. Meng Y J, Lia S Y, She DL, Yan FH, Chung YF and Han, L. (2020). “The psychological effect of 2019 coronavirus disease outbreak on nurses living in Islamic culture dominant region, China.” Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apnu.2020.09.004


    1. Zhang, Y.L., Chung,Y. F.,Wong, T.K.S., Chan, M. F. (2012). “Female nurses' sensitivity to male genitalia-related care in mainland China.J Clin Nurs 21(3-4):522-34.

    2. 王新田, 李志敏, 钟月欢, 等.(2011) “中国静脉留置针肝素钠封管与生理盐水封管效果比较的Meta分析”. 中国循证医学杂志, 1l(1), 96-100.

    3. Wong, F.K.Y.,Chan, M.F., Chow, S., Chang, K. Chung L., Lee, W.M., and Lee R. (2010). “What accounts for hospital readmission?”J Clin Nurs, 19(23-24), 3334-46.

    4. Han, L., Li, J. P., Sit, J. W. H., Chung, L., Jiao, Z. Y. and Ma, W. G. (2010). “Effects of music intervention on physiological stress response and anxiety level of mechanically ventilated patients in China: a randomized controlled trial. “Journal of Clinical Nursing, 19, 978–987.

    5. Chan, M. F.; Chung, Y. F. L.; Chung S. W. A.; and Lee, O. K. A.. (2009). “Investigating the physiological responses of patients listening to music in the intensive care unit.Journal of clinical nursing;18(9):1250-7.

    6. Zhang, Y. L.; Chung, L.Y. F.; Wong, T. K. S and Chan, M. F. (2009). “Chinese female nurses' perceptions of male genitalia-related care--Part 2.Journal of clinical nursing 2009;18(6). 826-37.

    7. Zhang, Y. L.; Chung, L.Y. F.; and Wong, T. K. S. (2009). “Chinese female nurses' perceptions of male genitalia-related care--Part 1.Journal of clinical nursing 2009;18(6). 817-25.

    8. Zhang, Y. L.; Chung, L.Y. F. & Wong, T. K. S (2008). “A review of the psychosocial issues for nurses in male genitalia-related care.” Journal of Clinical Nursing 17, 983-998.

    9. Wong, F.K.Y. Cheung S., Chung, L., Chan, K., Chan, A., To, T. & Wong, M. (2008). “Framework for adopting a problem-based learning approach in a simulated clinical setting.” The Journal of Nursing Education, 47 (11), 508-14.

    10. Wong, F.K.Y. Chow S., Chung, L., Chang, K., Chan, T., Lee, W.M. & Lee, R. (2008). “Can home visits help reduce hospital readmissions? Randomized controlled trial.” Journal of Advanced Nursing, 62 (5), 585-95.

    11. Chow, S.K.Y., Wong, F.K.Y., Chan, T.M.F., Chung, L.Y.F., Chang, K.K.P. & Lee, R.P.L. (2008). “Community nursing services for postdischarge chronically ill patients.” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 17 (7b), 260-271.

    12. Chung, L. Y. F., Wong, F. K. Y., & Cheung, S. C. M. (2007). “Fostering maturity for senior nursing students: a pre-graduation clinical placement.” Nurse Education Today, 28 (4), 409-418.

    13. Chung, L.Y.F., Wong, F.K.Y. & Chan, M. F. (2007). “Relationship of nurses’ spirituality to their understanding and practice of spiritual care.” Journal of Advanced Nursing, 58 (2), 158-170.

    14. 蒋晓莲, Chung, LYF, 王艳, 马芳 and王磊(2007).护理专业学生通过艺术理解慢性疾病的学习体会研究. Chinese Nursing Research, Vol.21 No.10 P.867-869

    15. Wong, F.K.Y. & Chung, L.Y.F. (2006). “Establishing a Definition for Nurse-Led Clinic: structure, process, and outcome.” Journal of Advanced Nursing, 53 (3), 358-369.

    16. M.F. Chan, L.Y.F. Chung, A.S.C. Lee, W.K. Wong, G.S.C. Lee, C.Y. Lau, W.Z. Lau, T.T. Hung, M.L. Liu and J.W.S. Ng. (2006). “Investigating spiritual care perceptions and practice patterns in Hong Kong nurses: Results of a cluster analysis.” Nurse Education Today, 26 (2), 139-150. 

    17.  钟月欢、陈安琪及陈满辉. (2005). “音乐对机械通气患者生理与焦虑状态的影响初探.”中华护理杂志,40 (7), 481-484.

    18. Lee OKA, Chung LYF, Chan MF, and Chan WM. (2005). “Music and its effect on the physiological responses and anxiety levels of patients receiving mechanical ventilation: A pilot study.” Journal of Clinical Nursing, 14(5), 609-620.

    19. Chan EA & Chung LYF. (2004). “An epistemology in teaching abstract concepts through reflection embedded in spirituality.” Reflective practice 5(1), 87-94.

    20. Wong FKY, Chan EA, Cheung SCM, Chung LYF, To TSS, Wong MLWY, Wu CST. (2004). “Problem-based learning: an innovative model for clinical education.” In Chan SWC and et al. (ed). Evidence-based nursing education and related issues. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Society for Nursing Education.

    21. Wong FKY, Chung LYF, and Chan T. (2003). Examination of best practices of nurse clinics. A commissioned project report Hong Kong polytechnic University & Hospital Authority.

    22. Wong F.K.Y. & Chung L.Y.F. (2002) “An Interim Report of the Hospital Authority Commissioned Consultancy Project 'Examination of Best Practices and Outcomes.” Health and social care in the community, 13 (1).

    23. Yalden BMJ, and Chung LYF. (2001). “Tai Chi: Towards an exercise for the older person.” The Australian Journal of Holistic Nursing, 8 (1), 4-13.

    24. Yalden BMJ, and Chung LYF. (2000). “Health enhancing activities that promote cultural diversity.” (abstract) Australasian Journal on Ageing, 19 (1), 73.

    25. Chung LYF. (1999). “Companionship— mentoring of a cultural exchange experiential trip.” The Hong Kong Nursing Journal, 35 (4), 7-12.

    26. Chung, Yuet Foon. (1998). Critical ethnographic study of an intensive care unit in Hong Kong, Ph.D. thesis, School of Nursing, Deakin University.

    27. Wong, F., Kember, D., Chung, L.Y.F., and Yan, L. (1995). “Assessing the level of student reflection from reflective journals.” Journal of Advanced Nursing, 22(1),48-57, 48-57.

    28. Wong, F., Chung, LYF. (1994). “Assessment of reflective learning among registered nurses.” The Hong Kong Nursing Journal, 65, p 9-16.

    29. Wong, F., Chung, LYF., and Chiu, I. (1993). “Cost-effective documentation.” The Hong Kong Nursing Journal, 64, p31-36.

    30. Wong, F. and Chung, LY.F. (1993). “Re-visiting theory and practice: The Hong Kong experience.” in Conference proceeding, Effective Collaborative: Effective practice in Nursing Charles Sturt University, Australia, 30.4.93-1.5.93.


  1. Chung, LYF; Wong, FKY; Chang, KKP; Chan, MF, & Chow, S (2005). “Chronic illness patients’ personal health practice and health care utilization pattern during the SARS period in Hong Kong” Paper presentation in the 3rd Pan-Pacific nursing conference & The 5th Hong Kong nursing symposium on cancer care by The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,  10-12 November 2005

  1. Chung LYF. (2004). “音乐对机械通气患者生理与焦虑程度的影响: 预试验研究” Paper presented at the 2004 International Nursing Conference. Professionalization and Specialization in Nursing in the 21st Century in Suzhou, October 12-14, 2004

  2. Chung LYF. (2004). ““触摸心弦”的美学反思之旅” Paper presented at the 2004 International Nursing Conference. Xinjiang Medical University, June 15-17, 2004.

  3. Chung LYF, Wong FKY, Chan T, and Liu CW. (2004). “Will nurses with desired spiritual attributes provide a more comprehensive spiritual care to patients? Implications for curriculum development.”  (poster presentation)

  4. Chung LYF. (2001). “ “触摸心弦” 的深切治疗护理体验” (Aesthetic touch praxis among a group of intensive care nurses). Paper presented at the 2001 Asian Nursing Conference. Beijing Nursing Research Centre, December 3-6, 2001.

  1. Chung LYF and Yalden BMJ. (2000). “Cultural interchange in nursing practice.” Abstract accepted to be presented in an International Transcultural Nursing Conference: leading into the new millennium, RCN, October, 4-6, 2000.

  2. Yalden BMJ. and Chung LYF. (2000). “Improving quality of life for the older person through appropriate exercise programs.” Conference: Old age in a new age. Keeble College, Oxford, Oxford Brookes University, British Society of Gerontology, Oxford, UK. September 8-11.

  3. Chung LYF. (2000). “Revealing ‘touch’ practices in an intensive care unit in Hong Kong through praxis.” International Conference 2000. New Century new directions. Deakin University, Victoria, Australia, 8-11 August 2000.

  4. Chung LYF and Yalden BMJ. (2000). “Modified Tai Chi for the older person: preliminary results of a study of the therapeutic effects of Tai Chi.” International Symposium, Positive Ageing: improving care for quality of life. Monash Conference Centre, Melbourne, May 25th.

  5. Yalden BMJ and Chung LYF. (1999). “Health enhancing activities that promote cultural diversity.” Aged & Community Services Australia and Australian Association of Gerontology, Joint National Conference: Sydney.

  6. Chung LYF. (1999). “An innovative clinical nursing placement: a mentor’sreflection. International Conference Clinical teaching in University Nursing Education, West China University of Medical University, Sichuan, PRC, 11-13, May, 1999.

  7. Grant E, Grubb J, and Chung LYF (1999). “An innovative clinical nursing placement: Australian students in China.” International Conference Clinical teaching in University Nursing Education, West China University of Medical University, Sichuan, PRC, 11-13, May, 1999.

  8. Grubb, J., Swearse, B., Luk, W and Chung, L. (1995). “Registered nurse studying by distance education in Hong Kong and Australia.” Nursing Education/Practice Partnership, New Zealand Nurse Educators Conference - Fact or Fiction.

  9. Swearse, B., Luk, W., Grubb, J. and Chung, L. (1994). “A comparative study of the study skills and coping strategies of registered nurses studying by distance education in Hong Kong and Australia.” First South-East Asian Nursing Research Conference - Quality care: research achievements and challenges. Kowloon, Hong Kong, p246-248.


WONG, F.K.Y., CHAN, E.A., CHEUNG, S., CHUNG, L.Y.F., TO, T., WONG, M. & WU C. (2004). Problem-based learning: An innovative model for clinical education. In Evidence-based Nursing Education and Related Issues.  CHAN, S. W. C., LOZEZ, A. M. & WONG, F.K.Y. (Ed.). Hong Kong: Ming Pao Publications Limited, 40-56.