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   姓 名: 马瑞生
      Name: Rui-Sheng Ma
      职 务:副教授
      Duty: Associate Professor

      Research Interests:
      Blood hyperviscosity induces brain damage。

      1990.09至1995.06   兰州医学院临床医学系学习,获学士学位毕业。
      2001.09至2004.07   兰州医学院组织胚胎学专业硕士研究生,获硕士学位毕业。
      1995.06现在      4556银河国际app基础医学院组织胚胎学教研室任助教、讲师、副教授。
      Sep.,1990至Jun.,1995:  B.M. (Bachelor of Medicine) in Clinical Medicine, Lanzhou Medical College, P. R. China。
      Sep.,2001至Jul.,2004:  M.M. (Master of Medicine) in Histology and Embryology,  Lanzhou Medical College, P. R. China。
      Jun.,1995至Present:  Teaching Assistant, Lecturer and Associate Professor, Department of Histology and Embryology, School of Basic 。       Medicine, Lanzhou University, P. R. China。

      [1] Ma RS, Bai DC, Jiang XC, Pan AY, Qi SN. Correlation of free calcium concentration in mouse cerebral cells with blood hyperviscosity. Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation 8 (4):648-9, Feb, 2004。
      [2] Ma RS, Bai DC , Jiang XC, Liu BJ .Effects of blood hyperviscosity on cytosolic free calcium concentration in cerebral cells and MDA contents in brain tissue of mice.J Fourth Mil Med Univ. 25(15): 1383-5, Aug, 2004。
      [3] Ma RS, Liu BJ ,Bai DC. The effect of blood hyperviscosity on neuronal ultrastructure in mice.Apoplexy and Nervous Diseases22(4): 312-4, Aug, 2005。
      [4] Ma RS, Qi SN, Jiang XC. Exploration of the One-Teacher-Responsibility Teaching Model. Researches in Medical Education 5(9): 817-8, Sep, 2006。
      [5] Ma RS, Bai DC, Qi SN, Jiang XC, Liu BJ. Effects of blood hyperviscosity on contents and ultrastructure of mitochondria of cerebral cells in mice. Chinese Journal of Anatomy 29(6): 747-50, Dec, 2006。