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编委:(1) The Scientific World Journal; (2) World Journal of Anesthesiology; (3) Edorium Journal of Anatomy and Embryology;(4)中华医学杂志;(5)解剖学杂志;(6)神经解剖学杂志;(7)解剖学研究;(8)4556银河国际app学报-医学版;(9)四川精神卫生。

审稿人:(1) Frontiers in Neuroanatomy; (2) PLoS ONE; (3) CNS Neuroscience & Therapeutics; (4) European Neuropsychopharmacology; (5) Journal of Sleep Research; (6)Toxicology; (7) Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology; (8) Journal of Hazardous Materials; (9) Iranian Red Crescent Medical Journal; (10) Neural Regeneration Research; (11) Acta Pharmacologica Sinica; (12) Life Science; (13) Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology; (14) Advances in Medical Sciences; 















3.MPTP对脑MAO-B 的作用(省医学科技奖三等奖1999);





1978-1983  兰州医学院临床医学系,获学士学位;

1983-1989  兰州医学院人体解剖教研室,助教;

1985-1988  兰州医学院解剖教研室研究生,硕士研究生,获硕士学位,导师:宫敬忠教授;

1989-1991  兰州医学院解剖教研室,讲师;

1992-1993  法国里昂第一大学科学院,留学,导师:Dr. L. ASTIC;

1993-1995  法国里昂第一大学医学院,博士后,导师:  Prof. M. Jouvet and Dr. JS. Lin;

1995-1998  兰州医学院副教授;

1999-2000  加拿大蒙特利尔McGill大学,访问学者。 导师: Prof. B E. Jones;

1999-2004  兰州医学院教授;

2005-     4556银河国际app基础医学院神经科学研究所、教授(所长);人体解剖与组织胚胎研究所,教授。


国家自然科学基金面上项目(81771426,2018-2021);国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(81581260433,2015);国家自然科学基金面上项目 (81471347,2015-2018);国家自然科学基金面上项目 (81171254,2012-2015);国家自然科学基金面上项目 (81071076,2011);国家科技重大专项(2009ZX09503-017, 2009);国家自然科学基金面上项目 (30670677,2007-2009)。


4556银河国际app第六批重点建设课程“系统解剖学”(2005);4556银河国际app双语教学课程“局部解剖学” (2006);甘肃省精品课程“系统解剖学” (2005);4556银河国际app本科教育质量工程专项经费支持计划“国家精品课培育”(2007);4556银河国际app研究生全英文课程“Principles of Neuroscience”建设(2016)。 


1.侯一平;邵玉峰;赵鹏;李靖;董朝玉;解俊樊;王婵;王海亮;戴丽蓉。 “一种红外探头” 专利号:ZL 2013 2 0481383.X,国家知识产权局授予实用新型专利,专利权人:4556银河国际app,授权日:2014.1.1。


。 “一种嗅觉测试仪” 专利号:ZL 2013 1 0341704.0国家知识产权局授予发明专利,专利权人:4556银河国际app,授权日2015.12.23 


主编:Principles of Neuroscience (2002); 医学科学研究和论文(2003)。

参编: 《Gray’s Anatomy:The Anatomical Basis of Clinical Practice 41/E. 格氏解剖学-临床实践解剖学基础 第41版》,山东科技出版社,济南,2017年7月第一版, 280-290, 350-363/1-1619;国家电子书包-《系统解剖学》(2015);《局部解剖学》(2010);《人体解剖学》(2006)


1.Shao YF, Lin JS, Hou YP*. Paraventricular thalamus as a major thalamic structure for wake control. Neurosci Bull 2019; doi.org/10.1007/s12264-019-00364-x. (IF=3.15)

2.Zhang WF, Sun CC, Shao YF, Zhou Z, Hou YP, Li A. Partial depletion of dopaminergic neurons in the substania nigra impairs olfaction and alters neural activity in the olfactory bulb.

Sci Rep 2019; 9 (1):254. (IF=4.122)

3.Lin JS, Roussel B, Gaspar A, Zhao Y, Hou YP, Schmidt M, Jouvet A, Jouvet M. The unfinished journey with modafinil and discovery of a novel population of modafinil-immunoreactive neurons. Sleep Med 2018; 49: 40-52. (IF=3.395)

4.Xie JF, Shao YF, Wang HL, Wang C, Cui GF, Kong XP, Wang LX, Chen YN, Cong CY, Chen HL and Hou YP*. Neuropeptide S counteracts paradoxical sleep deprivation-induced anxiety-like behavior and sleep disturbances.

Front Cell Neurosci 2018; 12:64,1-15. (IF= 4.555)

5.Xie JF, Fan K, Wang, C, Xie P, Hou M, Xin, L, Cui GF, Wang LX, Shao YF*, Hou YP*. Inactivation of the tuberomammillary nucleus by GABAA receptor agonist promotes slow wave sleep in freely moving rats and histamine-treated rats.

Neurochem Res 2017; 42:2314–2325. (IF= 2.472)

6.Kong XP, Wang C, Xie JF, Zhao P, Dai LR, Shao YF*, Lin JS*, Hou YP*. Neuropeptide S reduces propofol- or ketamine- induced slow wave states through activation of cognate receptors in the rats.

Neuropeptides 2017; 63:59-66. (IF= 2.726)

7.Zhao P, Sun HX, Chu M, Hou YP. Inhibitory effects of botulinum toxin type A on pyloric cholinergic muscle contractility of rat. Chin J Physiol 2016 59(4)218-224. (IF=1.275)

8. Shao YF, Wang C, Xie JF, Kong XP, Xin L, Dong CY, Li J, Ren WT, Hou YP*. Neuropeptide S ameliorates olfactory spatial memory impairment induced by scopolamine and MK801 through activation of cognate receptor-expressing neurons in the subiculum complex.

Brain Struct Funct 2016;221:3327-3336. (IF=5.811)

9.Parmentier R, Zhao Y, Perier M, Akaoka H, Lintunen M, Hou YP, Panula P, Watanabe T, Franco P, Lin JS. Role of histamine H1-receptor on behavioral states and wake maintenance during deficiency of a brain activating system: a study using a knockout mouse model.

Neuropharmacology 2016; 206:20-34. (IF=5.10)

10.Hui P, Zhao L, Xie Y, Wei X, Ma W, Wang J, Hou YP, Ning J, Zhou L, Guo Q, Zhou S. Nocturnal Hypoxemia Causes Hyperglycemia in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Am J Med Sci 2016; 351(2):160-168. (IF=1.575)

11.Hou M, Xie JF, Kong XP, Zhang Y, Shao YF, Wang C, Ren WT, Cui GF, Xin L, Hou YP*. Acupoint injection of onabotulinumtoxin A for migraines.

Toxins 2015; 7(11): 4442-4454. (IF=3.571)

12.Shao YF, Xie JF, Ren YX, Wang C, Kong XP, Zong XJ, Fan LL, Hou YP*. The inhibitory effect of botulinum toxin type A on rat pyloric smooth muscle contractile response to substance P in vitro. Toxins 2015; 7(10): 4143-4156. (IF=3.571)

13.Zhao P, Shao YF, Zhang M, Fan K, Kong XP, Wang R, Lin JS, Hou YP*. Neuropeptide S enhances wakefulness through activation of histaminergic and orexinergic neurons. Inflamm Res 2014; 63 (Suppl 1): S29. (IF= 2.14)

14.Shao YF, Dong CY, Li J, Zhang M, Fan K, Kong XP, Hou YP*. Distribution of neuropeptide S expression neurons in the rat brain: an immunohistochemical study. Ann Anat 2014; 196(Suppl 1): 176.(IF= 2.10)

15.Shao YF, Zhao P, Dong CY, Li J, Kong XP, Wang HL, Dai LR, Hou YP*. Neuropeptide S facilitates mice olfactory function through activation of cognate receptor-expressing neurons in the olfactory cortex. PLoS One 2013; 8(4):e62089. (IF=4.09)

16.Shao YF, Zhang Y, Zhao P, Yan WJ, Kong XP, Fan LL, Hou YP*. Botulinum toxin type A therapy in migraine: preclinical and clinical trials. Iran Red Crescent Med J 2013;15(10):e7704. (IF=0.87)

17.Jing YH, Hou YP, Song YF, Yin J. Methylprednisolone improves the survival of new neurons following transient cerebral ischemia in rats. Acta Neurobiol Exp (Wars). 2012; 72(3):240-52. (IF2011=2.11)

18.Qu WM, Yue XF, Sun Y, Fan K, Chen CR, Hou YP, Urade Y, Huang ZL. Honokiol promotes non-rapid eye movement sleep via the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor in mice.

Brit J Pharmacol 2012; 167(3):587-593. (IF=6.81)

19.Zhao P, Shao YF, Zhang M, Fan K, Kong XP, Wang R, Hou YP*. Neuropeptide S promotes wakefulness through activation of the posterior hypothalamic histaminergic and orexinergic neurons.

Neuroscience 2012; 207:218-226. (IF=3.46)

20.Hou YP, Gu JY, Shao YF, Song YF, Jing YH, Wu WS, Pu S. The characteristics of placental transfer and tissue concentrations of nickel in late gestational rats and fetuses. Placenta 2011; 32:277-282. (IF=3.69)

21.Wang XW, Gu JY, Li Z, Song YF, Wu WS, Hou YP*. Gestational age and dose influence on placental transfer of 63Ni in rats. Placenta 2010; 31:305-311. (IF=3.69)

22.Li Z, Gu JY, Wang XW, Fan QH, Ge YX, Jiao ZX, Hou YP, Wu WS. Effects of cadmium on absorption, excretion, and distribution of nickel in rats. Biol Trace Elem Res 2010; 135(1-3):211-219. (IF= 1.93)

23.Zhang X, Sun YN, Xie P, Yang XG, Hou YP* Effect of microinjecting GABAA-receptor antagonist into the tuberomammillary nucleus on the sleep-wakefulness cycle after lesion of the ventrolateral preoptic area in rats. Neural Regen Res 2009; 4(1):53-57. (IF=1.769)

24.Zhu CM, Yao XR, Zhang WS, Song YF, Hou YP*. Progressive paradoxical sleep deprivation impairs partial memory and influences motor behavior following learning tasks in rats. Neural Regen Res 2008; 3(6):598-603. (IF=1.769)

25.Wen WD, Yuan F, Wang JL, Hou YP*. Botulinum toxin therapy in the ovalbumin-sensitized rat. Neuroimmunomodulation 2007; 14(2):78-83. (IF=2.64)

26.Hou YP, Zhang YP, Song YF, Zhu CM, Wang YC, Xie GL. Botulinum toxin type A inhibits rat pyloric myoelectrical activity and substance P release in vivo. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 2007; 85(2): 209-214. (IF=1.85)

27.Manns ID, Lee MG, Hou YP, Jones BE. Alpha 2 adrenergic receptors on GABAergic, putative sleep-promoting basal forebrain neurons. Eur J Neurosci 2003; 18:723-727. (IF=3.95)

28. Hou YP, Manns ID, Jones BE. Immunostaining of choliergic pontomesencephallic neurons for α1 versus α2 adrenergic receptors suggests different sleep-wake state activities and roles. Neuroscience 2002; 114 (3):517-521. (IF=3.46)

29.Lin JS, Gervasoni D, Hou Y, Vanni-Mercier G, Rambert F, Frydam A, Jouvet M. Effects of amphetamine and modafinil on the sleep/wake cycle during experimental hypersomnia induced by sleep deprivation in the cat. J Sleep Res 2000; 9:89-96. (IF=3.361)

30.Hou YP, Lin JS. Effects of modafinil and amphetamine on sleep-wake cycle after sleep deprivation in cats. Acta Pharmacol Sin 1999; 20(9):813-818. (IF=3.166)

31.Hou YP, Song YF. The distribution of type B monoamine oxidase immunereactivity inhibited by i-methyl-4-penyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine in the cat. Neurosci Bull (Chin. J. Neurosci) 1999; 15(4):279-284  (IF=2.51)

32.Lin JS, Hou Y, Rambert FA, Jouvet M. A wakening profiles of modafinil in sleep-deprived cats and its induction of brain c-fos expression pattern distinct from that caused by amphetamine or methylphenidate. Sleep Res 1997; 26:23-26.

33.Lin JS, Hou Y, Jouvet M. Potential brain neuronal targets for amphetamine-, methylphenidate-, and modafinil-induced wakefulness, evidenced by c-fos immunocytochemistry in the cat. PNAS 1996; 93:14128-14133. (IF=10.45)

34.Lin JS, Hou Y, Sakai K, Jouvet M. Histaminergic descending inputs to the mesopontine tegmentum and their role in the control of cortical activation and wakefulness in the cat. J Neurosci 1996; 16(4): 1523-1537. (IF=7.91)

35.Lin JS, Hou Y, Kitahama K, Jouvet M. Selective suppression of type B monoamine oxidase immunoreactivity in the raphe nuclei following MPTP administration in the cat, NeuroReport 1995; 6:321-324. (IF=2.35)

36.Hou Y, Giannetti N. Calcitoningene-related peptide immunoreactivity in the rat peripheral olfactory system during post-natal development, European Chemoreception Research Organization XI Congress, Chem Senses 1994; 16:88. (IF=2.500)