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    Research  Interests:

    1. The immunopathogenesis injury molecular mechanisms of tuberculosis & immunotherapy for tuberculosis.

    2. Investigation on the antitumor, anti-infection and immunoregulation activity with extracts from sophora moorcofliana.

    3. MASP-2 and infectious diseases or ischemia-reperfusion injury related diseases

    4. The characterization and potential effects of phage on Pseudomonas aeruginosa.


    2005.09---2008.06:甘肃农业大学动物医学院  基础兽医学,博士。
    2000.09---2003.06:兰州医学院基础医学院  病原生物学,硕士。
    1987.09---1992.06:兰州医学院临床医学系  临床医学,学士。
    2008.09-- -present:4556银河国际app基础医学院,医学免疫学与微生物学教授;


 Qi Gao, Xinfang Dong, Yanping Luo, Guochao Zhang, Jinyu Shan, Qian Wang, Qi He, Lifeng Zhang, Jingqiu Wang, Bingdong Zhu, Xingming Ma*, Construction of human MASP-2-CCP1/2SP, CCP2SP, SP plasmid DNA nanolipoplexes and the effects on tuberculosis in BCG-infected mice, Microb Pathog, 2017,109, 200-208

 Xiaoying Xu, Xiaoling Lu, Xingfang Dong, Yanping Luo, Qian Wang, Xun Liu, Jie Fu, Yuan Zhang, Bingdong Zhu, Xingming Ma*, Effects of hMASP-2 on the formation of BCG infection-induced granuloma in the lungs of BALB/c mice, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7(1):2300.

 Huiyu Chen, Xun Liu, Xingming Ma, Qian Wang, Guang Yang, Hongxia Niu, Shuaixiang Li, Bingzheng He, Shanshan He, Arthur M. Dannenberg, Bingdong Zhu* and Ying Zhang, A New Rabbit-Skin Model to Evaluate Protective Efficacy of Tuberculosis Vaccines, Front Microbiol, 2017,8:842

 Jie Fu, Jingqiu Wang, Yanping Luo, Lifeng Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Xinfang Dong, Hongjuan Yu, Mingqiang Cao, Xingming Ma*, Association between MASP-2 gene polymorphism and risk of infection diseases: A meta-analysis, Microb Pathog, 2016, 100:221-228

Xinfang Dong, Yanping Luo, Qi Gao, Xiaoling Lu, Qian Wang, Yuan Zhang, Xun Liu, Lifeng Zhang, Jingqiu Wang, Xingming Ma*, Bingdong Zhu*, Effects of MBL-associated serine protease-2 (MASP-2) on liquefaction and ulceration in rabbit skin model of tuberculosis. Microb Pathog, 2016, 99, 282-286.

 Xin Li, Junxian Han, Rongyan Zhu, Rongrong Cui1, Xingming Ma*, Kaizhong Dong*, Life span and motility effects of ethanolic extracts from Sophora moorcroftiana seeds on Caenorhabditis elegans, Pharmacogn Mag, 2016; 12: S228-30

 Yanping Luo, Hongjuan Yu, Yunshang Yang, Weihua Tian, Kaizhong Dong, Jinyu Shan & Xingming Ma*, A flavonoid compound from Chrysosplenium nudicaule inhibits growth and induces apoptosis of the human stomach cancer cell line SGC-7901 in vitro, Pharm Biol, 2016, 54(7): 1133-1139

 Yanping Luo, Xingming Ma, Xun Liu1, Xiaoling Lu, Hongxia Niu, Hongjuan Yu, Chunxiang Bai, Jinxiu Peng, Qiaoyang Xian, Yong Wang, Bingdong Zhu*, IL-28B down-regulates regulatory T cells but does not improve the protective immunity following tuberculosis subunit vaccine immunization, Int Immunol, 2016, 28(2): 77-85

 Xun Liu, Zejiao Da, Yue Wang, Hongxia Niu, Ruiying Li, Hongjuan Yu, Shanshan He, Ming Guo, Yong Wang, Yanping Luo, Xingming Ma, Bingdong Zhu*, A novel liposome adjuvant DPC mediates Mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine well to induce cell-mediated immunity and high protective efficacy in mice, Vaccine, 2016, 34: 1370-1378

 雒艳萍,贾天玉,管彬,冯燕海,史彦斌,马兴铭*. 砂生槐多糖提取物对免疫抑制模型小鼠Treg和Th17的影响,天然产物研究与开发,2016,28(10):1545-1548

 张国超,雒艳萍,陆小铃,王倩,董信芳,曹明强,于红娟,马兴铭*,重组腺病毒载体 pAd-4-hMASP-2 的构建,中国生物制品学杂志,2016 ,29(11):1141-1145

 陈 思 马宝良 曹明强 于红娟 马兴铭*,类风湿关节炎患者血清 MBL、MASP-2、HsCRP 与 C3水平的相关性,南方医科大学学报,2016, 36(10): 1340-1344

 Jingqiu Wang, Qun Zhang, Yali Liu, Jian Han, Xingming Ma, Yanping Luo, Yaling Liang, Lifeng Zhang, Yonghao Hu, Association between HLA-Ⅱgene polymorphism and Helicobacter pylori infection in Asian and European population: A meta-analysis, Microb Pathog.2015, 82: 15-26

 王琰, 马兴铭*,苏韫,黄芪多糖对脑缺血再灌注大鼠脑组织表达及形态学的影响,甘肃农业大学学报,2015,50(3):49-53


 祁军平,唐克峰,孙虹佳,祝秉东,马兴铭*.痰菌阳性肺结核患者血中IL-10的表达水平及意义. 4556银河国际app学报(医学版),2014,40:26-28

 Damin Cai,Si Zhang,Julong Wu,Xun Wang,Meng Wang,Xiaoling Lu,Huiyu Chen,Qian Wang,Xingming Ma*. Efficacy and Safety of Different Dosages of Praziquantel for the Treatment of Schistosoma Japonicum: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis,Iran Red Crescent Me. 2014, 16(10): e9600,

 Qi Xin,Hongxia Niu,Zhi Li,Guoping Zhang,Lina Hu,Bingxiang Wang,Jingjing Li,Hongjuan Yu,Wanbo Liu,Yue Wang,Zejiao Da,Ruiying Li,Qiaoyang Xian,Yong Wang,Ying Zhang,Tao Jing,Xingming Ma,Bingdong Zhu. Subunit Vaccine Consisting of Multi-Stage Antigens Has High Protective Efficacy against Mycobacterium tuberculosis Infection in Mice,Plos One. 2013;8(8):e72745,DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0072745

 Hongjia Sun,Xingming Ma,Guoping Zhang,Yanping Luo,Kefeng Tang,Xiaofa Lin,Hongjuan Yu,Ying Zhang*,Bingdong Zhu. Effects of immunomodulators on liquefaction and ulceration in the rabbit skin model of tuberculosis,Tuberculosis. 2012;92(4):345-350

 柳鹏程,乔涵,刘斐斐,刘毕胜,吴倩妮,张燕燕,单金玉,魏莲花,马兴铭*. 噬菌体作为模式生物在蛋白表达和病毒学方面的应用. 中国微生态学杂志.2012;24(5):466-470

 Hongxia Niu,Lina Hu,Qing  Li,Zejiao Da,Bingxiang Wang,Kefeng Tang,Qi Xin,Hongjuan Yu,Ying Zhang,Yong Wang,Xingming Ma,Bingdong Zhu*.Construction and evaluation of a multistage Mycobacterium tuberculosis subunit vaccine candidate Mtb10.4-HspX,Vaccine,2011; 29(51):9451-9458

 Xingming Ma*. Antitumor effects of extracts from Wallich (Sophora moorcroftiana) seeds. In V. R. Preedy, R. R. Watson, V. B. Patel (Editors), Nuts & Seeds in Health and Disease Prevention (1st ed.) (2011: (pp1133-1139). London, Burlington, San Diego: Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier.

 张喜民,李 敏,邓 英,马兴铭*,张怡沛,李雪燕,任一杰.抱茎獐牙菜正丁醇提取部位对肝损伤保护及免疫调节作用的研究. 中成药,2011;33(1):139-141

 周艳,马兴铭*,张晓梅,金凤玲,邓英.白色念珠菌磷脂酶活性与其毒力因子关系的研究. 中国微生态学杂志.2009; 21(11):1001-1009

 张晓梅,马兴铭*,周艳,金凤玲,魏莲花. 白假丝酵母菌耐药与抗氰呼吸的相关性研究. 中国微生态学杂志.2010; 22(4):326-330

 Ma Xingming*,Yu Hongjuan,Deng Ying,Luo Yanp,Tian Weihua,An Fangyu, Guo Jun. Antitumor effects of ethanolic extracts from Sophora moorcroftiana seeds in mice. Iran Red Crescent Me. 2009; 11(1):18-22

 马兴铭*,田卫花,邓英,雒艳萍,于红娟,张李峰. 嗜酸性粒细胞促淋巴细胞活性及抗肿瘤的作用机制. 第四军医大学学报. 2009; 30(13):1172-1175

 叶顺兰,马兴铭*,邓英.Eotaxin诱导的嗜酸性粒细胞浸润对黑色素瘤的影响.细胞与分子免疫学. 2009; 25(2):172-175


 田卫花,马兴铭*,刘英,安方玉,郭君,雒艳萍.砂生槐水提取物对免疫抑制小鼠细胞免疫功能的影响.天然产物研究与开发. 2009; 21(2):477-479

 张应鹏,杨云裳,刘宇,马兴铭. 藏药川西獐牙菜挥发性化学成分及抑菌活性研究. 时珍国医国药.2009;20(3):595-598

 Wen-hao Chen,Xingming Ma,Quan-xiang Wu. Chemical-constituent diversity of tridax procumbens.Can. J. Chen. 2008;86:892-989

 MA Xingming,YU Hong-juan,LUO Yan-ping,CUI Yan.Antimicrobial and Cytotoxic Activity of extracts from Sophora moorcroftiana seeds in Vitro. Nat Prod Res and Develop.2008; 20(5):888-891

 安方玉,刘英,马兴铭*,田卫花,郭君. 雒燕萍.砂生槐水提取物对免疫抑制型小鼠免疫功能的影响.时珍国医国药. 2008;19(2):359-261

 郭君,马兴铭*,安方玉,田卫花.砂生槐种子水提物对荷瘤小鼠免疫功能的影响. 时珍国医国药.2008;19(4): cover page3-4

 X.M. Ma, G.SH. Bao, J.M. Wan, SH.F.Yin, X.Q. Meng, G.K. Zhou, X.M. Lu,H.Y. Li*. Therapeutic effects of Sophora moorcroftiana alkaloids and albendazole combination in experiment-infected mice with protoscolices. Braz J of Med and Bio Res. 2007; 40:1409-1417

 马兴铭,雒艳萍. 嗜酸性粒细胞抗肿瘤作用研究进展. 4556银河国际app学报医学版. 2007;33:85-88

 王燕,张应鹏,马兴铭*.短管兔耳草正丁醇提取物诱导胃癌SGC-7901细胞凋亡的研究.中成药. 2007;29(5):672-676

 杨云裳,马兴铭,张应鹏.藏药裸茎金腰主要化学成分抑菌活性研究.中成药. 2006;28(2):298-299

 Xingming Ma, yanping luo, hongjuan yu, yan cui. Ethanolic extracts of Sophora moorcroftiana seeds induce apoptosis of human stomach cancer cell line SGC-7901 in Vitro. Afr J of Biotechnol. 2006; 5(16):1669-1674

 麻宝成,马兴铭,杨汝栋. 4种含羧基酰腙化合物的合成、表征和抑菌活性. 应用化学.2005;22(9):1021-1023


 马兴铭,李红玉,王波,尹少甫.西藏砂生槐生物碱抑菌及杀虫活性的测定. 中国生物防治.2005;21(3):183-186

 包根书, 史大中, 马兴铭. 砂生槐生物碱抗小鼠细粒棘球蚴作用的初步观察. 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志.2005; 23(6):471-472


 马兴铭,李红玉,尹少甫,王波. 藏药砂生槐子生物碱抗炎及杀原头蚴.中国寄生虫病防治杂志.2004;17(4):217-219

 马兴铭,李红玉,尹少甫,王波.砂生槐子生物碱诱导SGC7901细胞凋亡研究.中成药. 2004;26(8):654-657

 马兴铭,李红玉,尹少甫,王波.藏药砂生槐子生物碱抗炎抑菌活性的研究.中医药学报. 2004;32(5):23-29






 于红娟,马兴铭*,江秀娟,阙燕.胃癌患者红细胞CD35与T淋巴细胞亚群的变化.兰州医学院学报.2003,29 (4):29-31

 马兴铭,赵进昌.六味多糖对小鼠免疫功能调节的比较.中药药理与临床.2003,19 (5):24-25

 马兴铭,雒艳萍,麻宝成,杨汝栋.4-羟基-3-羧基苯甲醛水杨酰腙及其配合物抑菌活性初步研究.兰州医学院学报.2003,29 (3):3-4







